BL Talk is a podcast created by boylovers, focused on man/boy love specifically, and adult/minor attraction generally. The format is as such: the host presents the topic, to then be discussed by a panel of up to six. Each episode is generally between 15 to 45 minutes in length, and unless otherwise noted, each episode is hosted by Zoomzoom4.
To listen, click on MENU and go to EPISODES. There, all the episodes are listed in chronological order, with a description of each and a list of panelists. Underneath each is a Listen Now button. Click that, and a new browser tab will open to pCloud, where the episode can be downloaded as an MP3 file, or streamed by clicking PLAY.
To hear a different episode, click STOP and close the browser tab. Your previous tab on the BL Talk website is still open, on the Episodes page. Find your desired episode and click the Listen Now button. Once again, a new browser tab will open to pCloud, with your new episode.
Also available on the website are an About Us page, descriptions of relevant policies and disclaimer, plus a contact form and e-mail address if you wish to offer comments or make an inquiry. Thank you for visiting BL Talk and we hope you enjoy the podcasts.
BL Talk
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